The Summerton Community Action Group honored three locations in Clarendon County that made a major impact in the Brown v Board case in 1954. The Summerton Community Action Group’s mission is to preserve the history of the brave leaders, plaintiffs and petitioners of Clarendon County who played a major role in the landmark case Brown vs. Board of Education. The Clarendon Cases Levi Pearson vs Clarendon School (1947) and Briggs vs. Elliott (1950) were the catalyst that led to the Landmark Case Brown vs. Broad of Education.
In honoring the brave Leaders, Petitioners and Plaintiffs the organization has identified (9) nine locations that made a major impact in the cases. On September 4, (3) three of the nine Historical Marker Unveilings became a reality.
The first Historical Marker was unveiled at 11:00 A.M. at St. Mark AME Church, Second 1st Street, Summerton; the second Historical Marker was unveiled at 11:30 A.M. at The Briggs Home, 1088 Hill Street, Summerton; and the third and final Historical Marker was unveiled at 12:00 noon at the Pearson’s Estate, 1853 L & H Pearson Road, Manning, which included an informal reception.